Choose Love...always

This is an old blog….lost in the archives from a few years back. And I think it is time to revive it again. That was the day, I started noticing my person unconscious bias.

Original post in 2016

This entry is about my recent yoga photoshoot but it is also about so much more.  My wonderful client Wellnessyogi wanted some updated photos in busy city streets.  Neither of us could manage the ungodly hour when the streets would be empty so I searched far and wide for an inner city location.  And when I found the amazing efforts of the Sage Coalition, I had to photograph there.  Its been a couple of hours since we left the location but I still cannot get over the impression it has left on me.  Here is a place of utter despair and poverty that has the most amazing artwork about hope, faith and love.  Most of us will not venture into these spaces.  What holds us back? Fear? Apathy?  When Mukunda and I first went about our shoot, I was quite calm despite being accosted a few times by strangers.  We were simply in awe of the artwork and the message of hope in these gritty streets.  What was once a beautiful garden made with love and hope using all types of recyclables is now overgrown with weeds and trash.  As we walked back to the car, the presence of certain individuals made me fearful.  Why?  They had not accosted me, they had not made eye contact with me so why?  Fear of what?  I have a lot to mull over.

In the meantime I leave you with a quote from Tagore 'Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict' Choose love, choose hope.